Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Literature is a study in human nature, one that is too deep for formal analytical science-like concepts. When I first read a big time Russian novel, what so impressed me was that a 200 year old story seemed so immediately true, that it was talking about my life, right now and situations that I had observed real people go through. What makes the stuff great is its grasp of the human dilemma together with the rhythm, meter and satisfaction of the writing itself. Ever since I started to learn literature I started to think of books and poems in a different way because by studying literature, you can understand what people thought of in the past time, and by understanding those concepts, you are able to further understand the commonality of all human beings.
I have always thought of myself as a good reader but reading in literature class taught me that there is more to reading than what I used to do. I got to know that there were some open pot holes in my reading which needed to be filled up. I really enjoyed the reading in this class because it was easier to comprehend when a text or poem was always read twice or more by two or more people. I also loved the class discussions, where we all had open and healthy arguments about a controversial stuff that we read. My reading goal for next quarter is to be a better reader than I was in the first quarter.
My writing skills have improved dramatically during the course of this quarter, which has helped me a lot in the essays I had to turn in for my college applications. All throughout this quarter we have had to do a lot of essays which I thought at first was too much but realized in the long run that it was very good since it helped me build more stable and better essays than I used to write. My weakness at first used to be; coming up with ideas to write about but that has not been a problem for me quite recently. I know that by the time I would finish next year I would have mastered the writing process and would be coming up with great essays.

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